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                 Community Resources


BENCHER G’MACH - Call Mark Ricklis (908-352-8507) / to borrow benchers in new condition for your smachot.  Bencher donations are not needed.

BIKUR CHOLIM -  For hospital meals, visits, or special requests call Rabbi Herman (220-7317). Volunteers needed.

CANDLE LIGHTING G'MACH– "Zichron Alte Chana Hadlakas Neirot G'mach". We provide everything needed for Shabbos and Yom Tov candlelighting. Perfect for people having a simcha and needing tea lights, decorative tea light holders and trays for guests. For further information and to utilize our free service please contact Sheila Nashofer at (908) 868-6425 or .

CHAVEIRIM - For service call 908-866-6166.

CHEVRA KADISHA - Call Moshe Pascher (908-358-6520) or Michael Poppers (908-327-7632). SHOMRIM NEEDED.

CHUPPA CARDS with tefillos/tehillim available. Suggested donation of any amount to the Aneinu organization. For more information, please contact Dasi Goldsmith,
908-558-1920, or email

CLOTHING EXCHANGE - Maternity, Laura Silverstein (917-662-3519).

EMPLOYMENT - Contact Dasi Goldsmith (908-558-1920) with work opportunities.

ERUV - Volunteers are needed to inspect the eruv. Please call Rabbi Avrohom Herman at 908-220-7317 if you are available to assist in this endeavor.

FLORAL CENTERPIECES G'MACH "Tiferes Lea" for your simcha or event. Fresh and silk flowers available. Requested donation of any amount to Rivkah Laufer Bikur Cholim. For more information, please contact Dasi Goldsmith, 908-558-1920, or email

HATZALAH OF UNION COUNTY - For medical emergencies 24/7 (908-659-9550).

KULANU YACHAD - Dasi Goldsmith (908-558-1920).

MEALS for new mothers - Call Leah Greenblum (908-436-2874).

MEDICAL EQUIPMENT G’MACH - Call Moshe Pasternak (917-733-0098).

SHA'ATNEZ CHECKING - Call Glenn Bond (908-347-2502).

TEHILLIM COMMITTEE - Call Sheila Nashofer (908-352-7209) or Sara Wilansky          (908-353-6435).


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Tue, January 21 2025 21 Teves 5785